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People Power

What do you understand to be the difference between New and Old World?

This is the first of a regular series where we ask consumers on the street for their views on issues currently affecting the drinks business and their shopping habits.  This month we quizzed them on whether they understood what New World/Old World meant, and what are their main motivating factors for buying wine.

What do you understand to be the difference between New and Old World?

1% No idea

9% Place of origin

3% Regions recently bought from

76% Gave specific countries (below)


New World                                 Old World

35% Aus                                    37% France

18% NZ                                      25% Italy

16% South Africa                     20% Europe

10% California                         8% Germany

8% South America                  8% Spain

8% Chile


Countries recalled first:

New World                                Old World

71% Australia                           69% France

15% South Africa                     31% Europe

7% New Zealand

7% Chile


What is your main motivating factor when selecting wine?

33% Country/geography

26% Price

19% Grape variety

11% Style

7% Price

2% Journalistic recommendation

1% Organic

1% Award Winner

42% Country/geography

25% Price

21% Grape variety

8% Style

4% Brand

The consumers questioned for this mini survey were pounced on outside Oddbins, Waitrose and Safeway in Brighton.

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