
Police warn drunk people to ‘not chase bears’

A US police department felt compelled to warn people not to chase bears when under the influence, after arresting a man for doing just that.

A black bear

The intoxicated man was arrested last week after he was found chasing a black bear into the woods in Massachusetts, brandishing an axe.

Following the incident, the North Adams Police Department posted a Facebook message warning others not to go all “Davey Crockett” and imitate the man’s actions, urging residents “to NOT chase bears through the woods with a dull hatchet, drunk.”

“Yes, that really did happen,” police posted. “We understand there are bears in the area. If you see a bear, LEAVE IT ALONE and call us. We certainly don’t need anyone going all Davy Crockett chasing it through the woods drunk with a dull hatchet. It is just a bad idea and not going to end well. It will however, certainly end you up in jail…which it did.”

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The unidentified man was taken into protective police capacity due to his level of intoxication.
“We are still trying to figure out what his end game was”, the post added. “Any thoughts on what he was going to do if he did locate it? We would certainly like to hear because we have no idea.”

3 responses to “Police warn drunk people to ‘not chase bears’”

  1. Thomas Kruse says:

    Isn’t it fairly obvious that the man was being lured into the woods by the bear. This shows the level of sophistication of these creatures. If the bear had succeeded he certainly would have disarmed the poor inebriate and robbed him of any valuables.

  2. RebeccaH says:

    The end game is that the idiot was going to become bear dinner if the police hadn’t arrested him.

  3. Sam says:

    He maybe thought after the cold winter you had there that he needed some real warmth form the fur.

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