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Molson goes micro

A new £1 million microbrewery in Burton has been unveiled by Molson Coors.

The new William Worthington Brewery will be used to brew famous Worthington brands such as White Shield, Red Shield and a range of seasonal and limited edition brews.

Mark Hunter, chief executive, Molson Coors (UK) said: “The opening marks Molson Coors (UK)’s continued investment in craft ale. It will be a hub for continuous new ale development as well as a means of maintaining the heritage of the Worthington name.

"Indeed, with renewed interest in this category by British beer drinkers, we see this as a growing market that is set to flourish in the coming years.”

Steve Wellington, master brewer, Molson Coors (UK), added: “William Worthington’s success was unparalleled. At a time when most beers didn’t sell beyond the town they were brewed in, people would go to extraordinary lengths to get their hands on one of Worthington’s beers so it seems only natural that the new William Worthington’s Brewery stays at its home here in Burton.

"It’s fantastic that the iconic White and Red Shields now have a new and improved home – one that is set to help continue the growth of this beer category for years to come.”

Ben Mcfarland, 23.12.2010

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