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Wine o’ clock in UK hailed as 6.53pm on Wednesday

Britons are most likely to open their first bottle of wine of the week at 6.53pm on a Wednesday, research has found.

According to a study by drinks bottler Cobevco, men usually have their first sip of wine at 6.40pm on a Wednesday while women tend to wait until 7.07pm

The study also found that 75% of Britons prefer to drink wine at home rather than in a pub, bar or restaurant, with only 8% venturing out for their midweek drink.

While over half of those studied (52%) enjoy their wine with a meal, 37% indulge without food.

In terms of style, red wine proved the most popular, with 37% opting for a glass of red, 36% preferring white, 20% choosing rosé and just 6% sparkling wine.

“As our working week becomes longer and stress takes its toll, people are turning to wine as a midweek treat and a bit of an escape, whether from office life or their family,” said Gillian Walters, sales and marketing director at Cobevco.

“More are forgoing an evening trip to the pub for a glass of wine or two at home, as increased alcohol duty takes its effect on affordability, especially in the on-trade,” she added.

The study asked 2,000 UK adults about their wine preferences and drinking habits.

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